
Client of the project: 

CardioMedical d.o.o

Špruha 1

1236 Trzin


Project contractor:

Planning and design:

Skupina, Stroka produkt d.o.o. and CardioMedical d.o.o.

Graphic design and technical design:

Skupina, Stroka produkt d.o.o. and CardioMedcial d.o.o. 


CardioMedical d.o.o.

The investment in your future

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Union's response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Name and goal/purpose of the investment: Operation: CM digital processes with high performance even in emergency situations

As part of the public tender P4D React EU - Incentives for the digital transformation of SMEs, our company, CARDIO MEDICAL družba za trgovino in storitve, d.o.o., obtained co-financing for the operation to carry out the digital transformation of the company. The aim of the operation is to implement the transition to digitization of business operations and adaptation to digital markets, improvement of the competences of the company's employees, promotion of energy- and material-efficient processes, and increase of value added per employee.